Thursday, February 11, 2010

Bad link on last post

Sorry, that was a bad link for some reason. Here is the correct one Hold Fast 412

Moving Blog Locations

Because of upcoming transitions and an attempt to simplify my life a little, I will be blogging over at Hold Fast 412 from here on out.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

God bless!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

On the blogs for Wed., February 3, 2010

Some reading for this morning:

Jews & Gentiles (this was an interesting perspective)

Questions to struggle with (these are excellent discussion starters)

What is the gospel (good summary by Dr. K)

Leading yourself (insightful)

On Reading (some tips for setting reading goals)

Maybe more later...

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Stand still and Rise up

During my bible reading this morning I was struck again by Moses' exhortation in Exodus 14:13. They were told to stand still and watch God save them.

Then, my mind went to Joshua 1:2. Here God tells Joshua to "arise, go over this Jordan."

Sometimes God tells us to stand still and watch; sometimes God says get up and get going into the place that he has called us.

Regardless, the focus in both cases is the same--God's word, God's power, God's promises, God's commands, and God's presence.

What is he telling you to do today?

Regardless, trust Him and obey Him...for there is no other way!

On the blogs for Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2010

Some early reading today:

They're on the same Team (good reminder)

Even Now... (good encouragement this morning)

Praying (excellent reminders & encouragement to pray w/o ceasing)

Reading (for those who do not like to read, this is good encouragement to begin)

Shopping Carts and the Gospel (this is eye-opening)

11 Innovations for your church (probably will not see these as all that innovative, but maybe that's the point)

Living with Less (I needed to hear this)

Sunday, January 31, 2010

On the blogs for Sunday, January 31, 2010

Here are few good ones for today:

Missional Church (this was excellent!)

Fasting (good insight)

Believing is evidence (very good)

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A few more blogs from my reading this evening...

Another review of The Shack (this was insightful)

Meditating on God's Word

Sunday's Comin' (you gotta watch this! Prepare to shout!)